The Ring Finders Blog | Page 112 of 112

Wedding Ring Recovered on Anna Maria Island, Florida

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Aaron, Yvette, and family came to Anna Maria Island from Wesley Chapel on Friday to enjoy the long labor day weekend. All went well until Sunday. While Aaron was tossing a ball with his son Gus, He lunged for the ball and off flew his wedding ring. He had the good sense to stand right where he felt it come off, checked his location with landmarks on shore, and then counted the steps back to shore and marked his exit with a 5 gallon bucket. His brother-in-law found SRARC online and contacted us. Mike Miller was near the location searching for a different ring and was able to respond while the group was still at the beach. With such good directions from Aaron, Mike was able to find the ring in about 10 minutes. Both Aaron and Yvette were very happy to get the ring back and mentioned that coincidentally they had honeymooned twenty years ago just a few blocks from where he had lost his ring twenty years later. SRARC is happy we could put him on track again for another twenty years.

For help with your lost item, please contact us.
Tom 727-415-7968
Mike 425-503-8419
Stan 727-421-9293

IMG951102 IMG950699

Ring Lost in the Ocean – Found in the Wet Sand at North Myrtle Beach SC

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I got a call on September 6<sup>th</sup> from Amy asking if I could help find her daughter Adrianne’s engagement ring that was lost in the ocean during the incoming tide. After finding out the resort location I was on my way and arrived in about 15 minutes.

I got there about 6:30 pm and found out Adrianne was on her way back home for work the next day so I met Adrianne’s younger sister Samantha (Sam). Sam gave me a general location and explanation on where and how the ring was lost. She also told me the ring was “silver” with a diamond on it. The story was that Adrianne was playing catch in about knee deep water an hour or so before high tide. Adrianne attempted to catch the ball which she miscalculated just a little jamming her ring finger when she felt her ring slip off.

It turned out to be a long night, a couple of heavy storms with wicked lightening moved through and I wasn’t having any luck finding the ring. After 4 hours of grid searching (north/south, east/west and circular) I called Amy and let her know I’d be back around 7am the next morning. Thinking I was going to have to expand my search area quite a bit and that it probably wouldn’t hurt to get some help. I e-mailed TRF member Matt Fry (Myrtle Beach) and friend Jim Brouwer, author of the book “Gold Beneath the Waves, Treasure Hunting the Surf and Sand” asking if either of them would be available the next morning.

I got back the next morning at 6:45am and started another north/south grid. Around 9:30, after getting rained on again, I looked up to see Jim walking down the beach. At this point I could have literally kissed him for showing up but refrained because the condo patios and the beach were getting pretty crowded with people. Anyway, I gave Jim the lowdown on where and what. Suggested he start looking in the area going north and I’d go south. Two hours went by and I see Jim walking towards me again, wasn’t sure if he was calling it a day (which I doubted knowing him) or he found it. When he got to me he asked if I was sure it was a “silver” ring that we were looking for and that he got a 12.04 hit on his CTX 3030. Owning a White’s PI I had no idea what a 12.04 was, but Jim informed me it wasn’t “silver”. Ok, so I asked if he found it at which time he dropped this beautiful 14K White Gold w/approximately a 3/4 Karat Diamond on it. Wow, my instant hero!! I asked where he found it and I’m almost positive I had gone over that area at least 4 times between last night and this morning. I did a quick test with my PI and I got a very faint signal with the ring on top of the sand so I very likely could have missed it buried the inch Jim found it at which I’m not sure why. My PI should have easily picked it up.

After thanking Jim at least 10 times for his help, I slipped the ring over my little finger and dropped my gear off at the car. I found my way up to Amy and her husband Brian’s condo room and knocked on the door. Amy came to the door and I started giving her a song and dance about how we’ve been searching for so long and that it was raining again and then I paused to let it sink in. Then I stuck out my hand with the ring and said “And we found it”!! I can’t describe her excitement other than to say it was awesome. Sam quickly texted Adrianne who was busy at work. Another fantastic outcome thanks to a friend’s help. Thank you Jim Brouwer!

I got a text from Amy a little later saying Adrianne was speechless, she breathed the biggest sigh of relief. That’s what this is all about!!

Brian and Amy thank you so much from both Jim and me for the very generous reward.

Adrianne with ring Adrianne's Ring on her finger Me holding Adranne's Ring - 1

Thank you for reading my blog.

Jim Wren

Test equipment

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

 It’s important to test the test equipment if you have anything to reply to this Jason please do!BalloonThis video is about a young lady in Seattle who lost her diamond engagement and spent Christmas day with her family searching the front yard in the snow for her lost ring.I received an email on Dec.26th from a lady in Seattle that lost her engagement ring outside in the snow while throwing snow balls and playing with her nephew’s.In the email she goes on to say that she had searched all Christmas day and went online to rent a metal detector and found my website.My first thought was to find someone in the Seattle area that could help her as it was a 3 1/2 hour drive to get to her from Vancouver Canada.After searching my contact list and offering the search to others but because of the holidays it was impossible to find someone who could make the time.I discussed the search with my wife and she said lets go find it for her, we left the next day in snow storm to meet up with the lady in Seattle.This is a short video of her reaction when I found her ring…You can read her testimonial on my website… www.lostjewellery.comLook for the title…It was the worst Christmas morning when I work up and realized my engagement ring was gone…Also checkout my blog on this story.I love my job!Thanks for reading my stories.Click on the HQ tab at the bottom of this video to watch in High Quality.httpv://

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