Test equipment
It’s important to test the test equipment if you have anything to reply to this Jason please do!This video is about a young lady in Seattle who lost her diamond engagement and spent Christmas day with her family searching the front yard in the snow for her lost ring.I received an email on Dec.26th from a lady in Seattle that lost her engagement ring outside in the snow while throwing snow balls and playing with her nephew’s.In the email she goes on to say that she had searched all Christmas day and went online to rent a metal detector and found my website.My first thought was to find someone in the Seattle area that could help her as it was a 3 1/2 hour drive to get to her from Vancouver Canada.After searching my contact list and offering the search to others but because of the holidays it was impossible to find someone who could make the time.I discussed the search with my wife and she said lets go find it for her, we left the next day in snow storm to meet up with the lady in Seattle.This is a short video of her reaction when I found her ring…You can read her testimonial on my website… www.lostjewellery.comLook for the title…It was the worst Christmas morning when I work up and realized my engagement ring was gone…Also checkout my blog on this story.I love my job!Thanks for reading my stories.Click on the HQ tab at the bottom of this video to watch in High Quality.httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkXvOtJUQ_Y&feature=channel_page